동굴에 잠복중인 최중원 이미지
박쥐똥 구경중인 최중원


I’m a master's course student at Earth Paleoenvironment Laboratory, KNU.
My main interest in research is speleothem science and computational approaches for research.
I have explored several caves for academic/research purposes during my undergraduate years.
As the academic director of a caving expedition team, I have been researching caves and speleothems in Korea.

Research Interests

  • Speleothem Science

    For paleoclimate research, scientists use various archives for research. To date, Many scientists are working to obtain accurate, high-resolution past climate data. Speleothem(i.e. cave calcite deposit) refers to various types of carbonate deposits formed inside caves due to the precipitation of calcareous groundwater flowing into underground cavities.
    Therefore, any region with limestone formations can be a potential research site. Their relatively stable nature than the surface environment, they are relatively less affected by loss and alteration of records, providing continuous and accurate paleoclimate information.
    The physical and chemical properties of speleothems, including shape, growth rate, stable isotope compositions, and trace element concentrations in stalagmites, can be indicators of the environmental conditions prevalent at the time of their formation.
    Therefore, understanding these properties can help us better understand and even predict environmental changes, making the study of speleothems a critical aspect of paleoclimatic research.

  • Computational Simulation

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  • B.Sc, Geology, Kangwon National University, Korea, 2023
  • Master Course, Earth Environmental Science, Kangwon National University, ONGOING